What made me decide to finally put up my own blog? I was bored, and I felt the world was evil enough (not really) to deserve a blogpage such as my own for punishment. Yep, the world needs another one of these mindless and self-indulgent blogpages (blogpage, blogsite... I'm such a neophyte).
Just finished the spring semester last week, so I'm done being a nerd for now. Last Thursday and Friday were particularly tough. I slept for only one hour, and then two hours the next day. And to make sure I'd wake up for the exams, I slept on my chair. It was an office chair, so it was still a bit comfy. Of course, nothing beats sleeping horizontally, which according to latest statistics, is still the preferred mode of sleep for 98.7% *** of the human population.

Anyhow, I did get to sleep Friday, then woke up after 3 or so hours in time for a party with other grad students. Was too pooped to make it for some barhopping fun at 1 am, so I slept.
But who cares? I just wanted to say that I've recovered from all that drudgery. Right now, I'm taking things easy, waking up whenever I want to, and sleeping whenever I want to. You see, I don't have a problem with sleeping late. It's sleeping late - or most of the time not sleeping at all - for something related to work, which I have a problem with. Now, I can stay late, watching Alias reruns from 2 to 6 am, without having to worry about a pesky 10:30 am class, which I'd attend anyway without understanding anything, sleep or no sleep.
However, I still have things to take care of: (1) moving my stuff out of my current apartment, and (2) preparing for a well-deserved break in the Philippines for almost 3 months.
I'm almost done with moving my stuff... well, almost. Uhm, not really. Moving out, at the very least, implies that my things should not be within sight. My things are still very much in my room, and they're not about to energize or apparate anytime soon. But hey, except for some essentials I still need, I've put all of my stuff in boxes already, so that clothes I don't need, daily bath soap, shampoo, toothbrush, are already at the bottom of the heap. Now is the time to live like a moderately-hygienic monkey.
The thing is, my current lease ends while I'm still in the Philippines. So, before I fly home to embrace the scorching summer tropic heat, I need to take out everything from what has been my home for almost a year. Of course, I cannot move in yet to my new apartment and at least dump my stuff there, since my lease there starts only this August. I originally planned to distribute my 15 boxes to my friends, since asking one of them to take everything would be asking too much. Naturally, I was worried about the logistics (which box goes to whom), and so I was very relieved when a good friend of mine, Jinwoo Park, volunteered to take all of my things. As a token of my appreciation, I will mention again his name here and even put in in bold, and as a bonus (wow, the rewards just don't stop), highlight it in gray: JINWOO PARK. <--- period to end sentence
That's it, I'm sleeping.
***Disclaimer: I reserve the right to make up my own statistical figures to meet my own ends.
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